
Yes COMPARATIVES Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives. 1. In summer days are...................... than in winter. (long) Adjective Comparative bright brighter bold bolder black blacker 2. A Mercedes. is.............. than a Fiat. (expensive) big bigger 3. A turtle is ............... than rabbit. (slow) beautiful more beautiful 4.1 am than my cousin. (young) ugly uglier 5. In the USA baseball is than soccer. (popular) true truer 6. Bread is.................. than meat. (cheap) thick thicker 7. Annie is 8. My dad is.. than Lucy. (pretty) tall taller at English than my mum. (bad) strong stronger 9. March is............ than July. (cold) strange stranger 10. Our new flat is ..................... than the old one. (modern) sorry sorrier 11. Basketballs are than tennis balls. (big) small smaller 12. Mont Blanc is ...................... than Mount Teide. (high) slow slower 13. A chair is.............. 14. Cats are.. ......... than a stool. (comfortable) than dogs. (lazy) simple simpler shorter short 15. Maths is than History. (difficult) sharper sharp​

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