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Dear Agnes,

I am a lover of pets, but I think my neighbours have gone too far. They have a pet snake named Lucille who keeps escaping and ends up in my garden. My neighbours are always very apologetic about Lucille's travels so far, I haven't had the heart to confront them about it. The problem is that I together for barbecues and garden parties. I don't want to ruin this friendship, but feel that a large snake making regular visits to my garden is pushing the limits. Help!

Confused in Croydon

Dear Confused,

Friends shouldn't put friends in difficult positions. Lucille's visit to your garden are obviously causing you a lot of stress and should be dealt with sooner rather than later. This is also a health and safety issue, which your neighbours should be more than aware of as owners of a large snake. I suggest you broach the subject with them next time you get together. Lucille is also at risk from any number of potential dangers in your garden, a point you could bring up with your neighbours.

Análise o texto e selecione a opção que apresenta a resposta certa como “V” para verdadeiro ou “F” ou falso.

( ) O modal verbo "should" tem o mesmo significado de "deveria".

( ) O verbo modal "should" tem a função de pedir "permissão".

( ) O auxiliar "could" é o passado de "can" que indica ação futura.

( ) Seria possível trocar "must" pelo "should" sem mudar o sentido.


V - F -F - F
V- V- F- F
F- F-V-V

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