01) Supply the past perfect don't forget auxiliary verb. (Complete com o passado perfeito. Não se esqueça do verbo auxiliar)

a) When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul __________ already ____________ home (GO).

b) We found that somebody_____________ into the flat, when we got home last night (BREAK).

c) Karen didn't want to come to the cinema with us because she ____________ already ________________ that film (SEE).

d) I offered Sue something to eat but she wasn't hungry, she______________ just breakfast. (CLEAN).

e) The house was dirty. They ___________ it for weehs (NEGATIVE- CLEAN).

f) At first I thought I ________ the right thing, but I soon realized that I _____________ a serious mistake. (DO) (MAKE).

g) Ann __________just_______ home when I phoned. (GET).

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