
“This latest piece of promotion from the OPI brand is undeniably compelling. The brand identity they are trying to put across to the buying public is definitely that they are cool, contemporary and high-quality. Does that identity equate to the brand image? I think the answer would be a definite, 'yes'. Every person that I've shown this to has been super impressed with the creativity, images, music and the slow reveal of the product. Is OPI the market leader? I'm afraid that my knowledge of nail products is not good enough to know, but the marketing budget would suggest that this is a premium brand with pricing to match, rather than an economy brand. Nail varnish typically would be aimed at females, but this campaign is ticking all the right boxes for brand awareness for all those boyfriends and husbands out there. OK, they are not going to be the consumer, but now the males who have seen this ad would certainly have OPI in their consideration set (possibly the only product in their brand consideration). For existing female customers it works extremely well serving to cement brand loyalty. For me, a very interesting aspect of the ad are the models, or shall we say the brand ambassadors? If you consider the top models used for fashion mega brands, these girls are a lot lower down the scale. Likewise, whilst they are great dancers, they are not the absolute best - if you compare them to a Russian primera ballerina or a leading flamenco dancer etc. This is clever casting from the creatives in the advertising group to appeal to the right social demographic of customers, positioning this brand as 'obtainable' (as opposed to unobtainable) for female teenagers and twenty-somethings... whilst at the same time remaining aspirational. This is clearly pitched as a product for the cool girl in the street.”
SAINT GEORGE INTERNATIONAL. Marketing for English: Essencial Brand Vocabulary. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 ago. 2018.

Considerando o as palavras em destaque no texto, avalie as afirmativas a seguir.

I. “Brand identity”, significa: “what the company wants the customer to think about a brand”.
II. “Brand image”, significa: “always buying the same brand because you like it and not buying products from a rival brand”.
III. “Brand ambassadors”, significa: “someone who represents the brand".
IV. “Brand loyalty”, significa: “what the customers/public actually think about the brand”.

É correto o que se afirma APENAS em:

Escolha uma:

a. I, II e III.
b. II e III.
c. I e III.
d. II, III e IV.
e. II e IV.

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