World War II by Nazi Germany and collaborators. STOLEN GENERATION: It refers to Australian Aboriginal children that were forcibly removed from their parents by Australian authorities.Approximately 100 000 children that were forcibly removed from their parents between 1910-1970. SOME POSSIBLE TOPICS: A) NAZI GERMANY 1) How did Hitler infringe on the rights of minorities by implementing his racial policy in Germany? 2) How was the Final Solution an example of Eugenics in action? 3) How did the Nuremberg laws in Nazi Germany impact on the lives of Jews? 4) How did the T4 programme in Nazi Germany reflect Hitler's ideas of Aryan superiority? 5) What was the Lebensborn Programme and how did it reflect Nazi racial policies? 6) What was the role of Goebbels and Nazi propaganda in spreading Hitler's. ideas of racial superiority and inferiority in Nazi Germany? 7) How did eugenics and pseudoscientific racism influence Hitler to violate the human rights of Jews and gypsies in Germany from 1933 to 1945?​

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