' ?
Five hundred years ago, between five and seven million people spoke English, almost all of them living in the British Isles. Now, anywhere up to 1.8 billion people around the world speak English.
The growth of English was nothing to do with the structure of the language, or any inherent qualities, and everything to do with politics. ? Some people suggested that English became ubiquitous because it is "easy to learn" or especially flexible, but a glance backwards suggests that this is irrelevant. In fact, Latin was Europe's most influential language for over a thousand years (and its descendents are still going strong). People learned Latin then for the same reasons they learn English now: to get ahead in life and have access to knowledge. Yet now Latin is only spoken by priests and scholars. Languages and borders change over time, but English is likely to remain the world's number one language during our lifetimes.

, :
() English became popular because it is easy to learn and flexible
()people learn english to get ahead in life and have acess to knowledge
()Latin was Europe's most influential language for five hundred years
()Now between five to seven million people around the world speak English
() People learned Latin to become priests and scholars.

Por favor me ajuda (fiquei com nota ruim :^)​

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