
O que você fará nas suas próximas férias?* O texto a seguir conta o que dois adolescentes farão em suas próximas férias. Pedro e Ricardo são irmãos e passarão as férias na fazendo do tio. What will you do on your next vacation? * My name is Pedro, I'm 13 years old. My brother Ricardo is 12 years old. We will travel on our next vacation. We'll go to the farm. My uncle has a farm and I love to go there because we can do lots of things. I'll ride a horse with my brother, we will see the plantation. I'll swim in a lake. My brother doesn't know how to swim because he never swims with me. I'll play soccer, walk and climb up trees. Those things are very funny and we can't do them in the city because of the traffic. We'll also help our uncle to clean his house. At night, I'll bring logs for the fireplace and my uncle will cook a delicious dinner. In the morning, my brother will make the beds and I'll set the table for breakfast. But the end of our vacation we'll be back home. Vocabulário: Vacation - férias Uncle - tio Farm - fazenda Things - coisas Horse - cavalo Fun - divertido There - lá Can - poder Why - por que? Lake - lago Traffic - trânsito Log - Madeira, lenha, graveto. Fireplace - lareira Dinner - jantar Beds - camas Back home de volta para casa Never - nunca Can't - não poder Who- quem? When - quando? Climb - subir Responda as perguntas: a) Por que os irmãos gostam de viajar para a fazenda do tio? b) De que forma eles se divertem na fazenda? c) Quem narra o texto?​ D) o que iraão fazer para ajudar o tio? E) quem fará o jantar?

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