Complete using definite articles (the)
Or indefinite articles (a/an):

1. I will get married and, finally, I found ___ dress of my dreams! There is ____
Long tail. It’s ___ perfect dress to marry with ___ perfect man!
2. I have to buy ___ umbrella. I forgot mine and it’s raining a lot.
3. Have you heard ____ news? ___ new spider man movie is coming!
4. I need to buy ___ present for my best friend. Today is her birthday.
I didn’t find ___ purse I wanted to buy. So, I bought ___ ugly one.
5. Fred was supposed to arrive ___ hour ago. I wonder if he missed ___ train.
6. Ben was really hungry, he ate ___ egg, ___ apple and drank ___ glass of juice.
7. I like to observe ___ moon and ___ stars. If I’m lucky, I can see ____ comet
8. Do you know that ___ pacific is ____ deepest ocean?
9. ___ first time i visited paris, i went to ____ most famous museum, louvre.
___ second time, i preferred to visit ___ small one.
10. ____ man, who lives next to me, is creepy. He has ___ uncommon face and
___ strange smile.

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