Questão 02

Healthy eating and diet

Eating a well-balanced diet means eating a variety of foods from each of the 5 food groups (Grains, Vegetables, Dairy, Fruits and Protein) daily, in the recommended amounts;


Takeaway foods, cakes and biscuits are examples of foods usually high in saturated fat, added salt or added sugars. They should be considered extras and consumed in small quantities; Some foods do not fit into the 5 food groups because they are not necessary for a healthy diet. These foods are called "discretionary choices" (sometimes referred to as "junk foods") and they should only be eaten occasionally.

According to the text, what are the healthy groups of food for a well-balanced diet?

a. Grains, Vegetables, Dairy, Fruits and Protein.

b. () Takeaway foods, cakes and biscuits.

c. ( ) Foods high in saturated fat, added salt or added sugars.

d. () Discretionary choices.

e. ( ) Junk foods.

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