2) Circule a opção que completa as frases abaixo, de acordo com o verbo To Be: a)She my mother. (AM/IS/ARE) b) You c) I my brother. (AM/IS/ARE) d) We 3) Assinale a forma interrogativa da frase abaixo: He is my father. a) He is my father? b) Is the my father? c) He is not my father. d) He not is my father. 4) Assinale a forma negativa da frase abaixo: They are happy today. a) They are happy today? b) Are they happy today? tired today. (AM/IS/ARE) friends. (AM/IS/ARE) c) They are not happy today. d) They not are happy today. 5) Assinale a conjugação do verbo TO BE que irá acompanhar os pronomes pessoais She, He, It: A) Are, Are, Is B) Is, Is, Is 6) Enumere a 2ª coluna de acordo com a 12: (1) Choose (2) Match (3) Complete (4) Explain (5) Answer C) Am, Is, Is D) Not, Is, Is ( ) Explicar ( ) Escolher ( ) Completar ( ) Responder ( ) Relacionar​

Resposta :

Resposta:a) She is my mother. b) You are my brother. d) We are tired today. e) They are my friends.

A) He is my father?

c) They are not happy today.

B) Is, Is, Is

(4) Explain, (2) Match, (3) Complete, (5) Answer, (1) Choose

1) a) She is my mother. b) You are my brother. d) We are tired today.

2) A forma interrogativa da frase "He is my father." é: a) He is my father?

3) A forma negativa da frase "They are happy today." é: c) They are not happy today.

4) A conjugação do verbo TO BE que irá acompanhar os pronomes pessoais She, He, It é: B) Is, Is, Is

5) Enumeração da 2ª coluna de acordo com a 1ª coluna:
(1) Choose - (5) Answer
(2) Match - (3) Complete
(3) Complete - (4) Explain
(4) Explain - (2) Match
(5) Answer - (1) Choose

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