Resposta :

1. She is taller than her brother.

2. This book is more interesting than the last one.

3. My car is faster than yours.

4. Today is colder than yesterday.

5. His new job is better than his old one.

6. This test is easier than the previous one.

7. She runs faster than I do.

8. This movie is scarier than the one we watched last week.

9. My house is bigger than yours.

10. He is more intelligent than most of his classmates.

11. This street is quieter than the main road.

12. Her dress is prettier than mine.

13. This puzzle is harder than I thought.

14. These apples are sweeter than those oranges.

15. The ocean is deeper than the lake.

16. She is more careful than her sister.

17. My computer is newer than yours.

18. This restaurant is more expensive than the one we usually go to.

19. He is more famous than his brother.

20. The weather today is worse than it was last week.

21. Her explanation was clearer than his.

22. This sofa is more comfortable than the old one.

23. My dog is friendlier than my neighbor’s dog.

24. His story is more believable than hers.

25. These shoes are cheaper than the ones I bought last month.

Essas frases demonstram comparações entre duas coisas, pessoas ou situações, usando tanto adjetivos regulares quanto adjetivos que exigem o uso de "more" para formar o comparativo.

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